It’s here! Democracy Action publishes its first edition 

Earlier in the year, we funded a piece of research called ‘Networking for Democracy: An analysis of the needs of the sector and proposals for new networking efforts.’

Its author, Democracy Club co-founder Joe Mitchell, spoke to JRRT grantees and others working in what can definitely be described as a ‘democracy sector’.  Joe reported back to us that in order to strengthen the sector, there was a need for more information sharing, community building, consensus and collaboration. One of his recommendations was for a one-to-many newsletter that would tick all the boxes outlined above.

That’s how the idea for Democracy Action was born.

Since the autumn, the idea has flexed and evolved. Democracy Action has not only been conceived but nurtured, born, named and is already growing fast! It’s a monthly newsletter yes, but also a thriving website where you can find the latest edition and new updates in between.

Democracy Actions aims to: 

  • Alert you to the latest news and views
  • Help you discover some of the recent research and info that can inform you work
  • Connect you to others active in and around the sector
  • Highlight where and how you can have influence and effect change
  • Support you in your efforts to fundraise for what you do
  • Feature free and cheap ways to learn and improve your skills

The next edition is heading for inboxes just before Christmas, and we hope it’ll inspire you well into the new year.  If you’ve not already signed up, what are you waiting for? Go to to be part of it.

We’d also love to hear from you with ideas, inspiration and content for future editions. So, drop us a line on with your contributions. We can’t wait to hear from you!