UK Democracy Map


JRRT’s work is driven by a concern that the ongoing erosion of trust in the political class and our democratic institutions is creating a moment of crisis for democracy. For a long time, JRRT has been interested in getting a better understanding of who is working on democracy issues and how.

One of the top priorities from the survey we conducted of our grantees last year was a better understanding of who was campaigning on what democracy issues. With that in mind, we commissioned Koreo to create the UK Democracy Map. This exciting initiative is intended to assist those working or campaigning on democracy, by helping people find each other, making their work more visible and promoting collaboration and information-sharing. Please share it far and wide and encourage those who work on democracy to add their details.

There is a taxonomy to draw on, to help describe work on democracy. This was created following Koreo’s discussions with many democracy campaigners. There is also a report Mapping the Democracy Movement, describing how the map was developed.


Developing the map

We are very keen to see the UK Democracy Map grow as a response to the needs of the sector.

Whether you are a funder, think tank, academic institution, single-issue campaign, empowering young people through political and media literacy, seeking to improve the digital public space, encouraging more people to get involved in decision-making, or working on one of the many other aspects of democracy, please do add yourself to the map.

As you can see, democracy work comes in all shapes and sizes, not all of them obvious. Part of the job of the map is to help people realise they are not alone in wanting people to be able to take better and more informed decisions about their lives, who represents us, and the way our communities are governed.

If you have thoughts on how the map can be refined, improved and promoted, or simply wish to discuss the work of your organisation with JRRT, please get in touch.


Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

SMK Campaigner Awards 2021 – nominations are now open!


Each year, The Sheila McKechnie Foundation (SMK) celebrates the best campaigns and campaigners through their prestigious SMK Campaigner Awards. Their interest is in finding those who have made change happen – most effectively, creatively and courageously.

What all entries will have in common is the determination to secure a specific change that will make things better – whether for an individual, a local neighbourhood or for every single one of us.



There are nine different Award categories, including the David and Goliath Award which is sponsored by JRRT. This Award reflects one of our key aims: to strengthen the hand of those individuals and small organisations which fight large scale and systemic injustice.

Other categories include:

  • Best Community Campaign
  • Amplifying Unheard Voices
  • Young Campaigner Award
  • Campaigner of the Year

You can find out more about all of the Award categories on the SMK website.


Nominations close on Tuesday 2 February – make yours here!


Call for Proposals, a democracy network

“One of the most effective ways to support [democracy] work is to connect the efforts of those pursuing such goals.” 

JRRT is funding a number of initiatives to strengthen the democracy sector. Last year we commissioned Networking for Democracy, an analysis of sector needs and perspectives. It concludes that building better connections within and outside the sector is a priority capacity building need; and that there is a good case and support for building a “network”.

Call for Proposals now open!


The JRRT Board has made a commitment to fund a network and is pleased to open our Call for Proposals. The process is open to both organisations and individuals.


Please submit your proposal by Monday 22 February 2021 to


Full information on the details required within your proposal can be found here


Downloads and useful links

Networking for Democracy

Democracy Action – the newsletter about action for democracy; engaging, collaborating, influencing, learning, sharing and inspiring.

Funding a democracy network – insights from a JRRT meeting with 50 democracy organisations, campaigners, and academics to discuss the need for – and purpose of – a democracy network.

Call for Proposals