SMK Awards 2022: Nominations OPEN!

Each year, the Shelia McKechnie Foundation celebrates the best campaigns and campaigners with their SMK National Campaigner Awards. Their aim is to recognise and honour those who have made change happen – most effectively, creatively and courageously.

That change might be in law or policy; it might be in attitudes, social norms or behaviour; it could be in how services are provided, or in the protection of a service or asset. A campaign could be aimed at righting a wrong, or holding a body to account. Entries can be local or national. And they might be nominating an individual, a movement, an organisation or a coalition.

What all entries will have in common is the determination to secure a specific change that will make things better – whether for an individual, a local neighbourhood or for every single one of us.

JRRT is proud to sponsor the David & Goliath category at the SMK Awards. It celebrates individuals or small campaign groups that take on much bigger organisations and challenge vested power. Our sponsorship is made in memory of our friend and former Director, Lord David Shutt.

Find out more about all nine categories in the 2022 Awards here

And get your nominations in by 4 February 2022!