Feedback and complaints

Tell us how we’re doing!


Whether you are an applicant, a grantee, or a member of the public, your feedback is really important to us, and we are committed to learning from feedback whether positive or negative.


Please note that we are not in any way linked with the Rowntree’s (Nestle) company that makes sweets. If you wish to raise a complaint about Rowntree’s sweets complete their contact form available here.


We welcome good news stories about the positive impact we have. It is good to be able to share these with colleagues.


We also value constructive criticism as this helps us to rethink and improve how we work with you.


The easiest way to provide feedback is to email and put “Feedback” in the email subject line.


If you would prefer to discuss something in person, you can ring us on 01904 625744. Many of the team work part time or travel to meetings, so you may need to leave a message for someone to call you back.


All feedback is logged and reported anonymously to the Board along with actions taken at least once a year.


We collect more formal feedback from grantees regularly. Our last survey was undertaken in 2020. Click here to discover what we learned.




We are committed to high standards of transparency, and accountability. We try to nurture an open and collaborative culture, which is accessible, professional and responsive.


If you feel that you need to raise a complaint about the Trust or our work, please email and put “Complaint” in the email subject line.


Please include your name and a contact point, along with details of what you think has gone wrong and what you think we should do to put things right. Information provided will be treated sensitively, and only shared on a need-to-know basis.


JRRT aims to acknowledge complaints within five working days, and will respond in writing within three weeks to explain the outcome of the complaint.


Our full complaints policy can be downloaded here.