Open Rights Group is a digital campaigning organisation working to protect the rights to privacy and free speech online.
Ben Williams, programme manager at JRRT, said: “People are increasingly concerned about who influences our elections. ORG is credible, highly organised and very effective. The group’s work clearly aligns with our concerns over the integrity of our democratic processes.”
ORG received £87,225 from JRRT for work over 18 months with two main objectives. ORG aims to improve transparency on digital spending in political campaigns and create better understanding of the use of personal data used in targeted political advertising. The group is also developing practical principles to increase transparency and voter trust in electronic voting, with methods properly assessed to maintain trust and integrity.
Martha Dark, ORG Chief Operating Officer, said: “Digital campaigning is one of the most salient political issues at the moment. The window to input into the debate and future rules framework is now. Otherwise, there is the risk that dominant forces, whether social media corporations, political parties or aligned third party campaign groups, might well shape the regulatory environment to the detriment of privacy standards.
“The support from JRRT will also enable us to prepare for forthcoming trials by the Scottish and Welsh governments into electronic voting and assess the trust in and security of voting systems.”
JRRT helped to establish Open Rights Group in 2005.
Full details of all grant funding to Open Rights Group, and other campaigns, is available here .